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 Lullaby, The Lonely Siren WIP

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Lullaby, The Lonely Siren WIP Empty
PostSubject: Lullaby, The Lonely Siren WIP   Lullaby, The Lonely Siren WIP EmptyThu Jul 13, 2017 6:59 pm

General Information:

Name: Lullaby
Alias/Nicknames: Siren, 'Beast,' 'Monster,'
Gender: Female
Age(Human years): 30
Sexuality: Bi
Species: Dragon
Faction: None
Rank: Rogue


Height: 20 Feet
Weight: 1200 pounds
Length: 20 feet
Wingspan: 40 feet
Eye color: gold

Appearance description:

Lullaby likes to describe herself as 'otherworldly beautiful,' with all the colours of the rainbow on her body. With long, elegant feathers and a purple mane that goes in between her horns, she is quite a sight to behold, her shades ranging from red to blue to yellow to green.

She has two peacock strands, coloured green, red and gold, that are about three feet in length. She has yellow eyes that flash like stars and gleam with hidden madness.


Likes: Her own company, being alone, luring in her dinner, water and silence, getting attention, being flirted with
Dislikes: loud noises, being disturbed, her powers failing on her,
Fears: Being kept in a cage (claustrophobic), starving, loud bangs or clatters, light

Personality description:

Lullaby is a bit crazy, having never really heard any voices apart from screams of mercy. Apart from her singing and screeches, she can't speak very well and can't understand complicated English. She is cold and calculated, confident in what she is doing.

Lullaby, being a siren, is naturally attracted to others, although this is out of hunger rather then a need for socialising. She is very lonely, although having never really met anyone apart from her mother means that she doesn't understand the emotion, and mistakes it for hunger most of the time.

Lullaby is selfish and manipulative, luring in dragons with her dazzling looks and smile when her voice fails.


Breed(Is he/she a pure blood or a hybrid?):

History(Give a good sized paragraph):



Physical abilities:
Magic abilities:

Sample RP post:

Alt If Applicable:
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